Marconi Moments test shoot


In the weekend of 18-19th of October, VRT Research & Innovation organised two concerts in the Marconi studios on VRT’s premises in order to test prototypes for the ICoSOLE project. The two performing bands, JFJ on Saturday and Amongster on Sunday, have been chosen from the contest ‘De Nieuwe Lichting’ organised by VRT’s radio station Studio Brussel.

In the afternoon, a professional multi-channel audio capture of two hours took place using a wide variety of microphones. These recordings will later be used to create a 3D audio scene of the concert.

In the evening, a small audience (40 on Saturday and 110 on Sunday) was invited to attend a full concert which was covered by a big number of devices.

2014_10_19_VRT_O&I_MarconiMoments_A2014_10_19_VRT_OI_MarconiMoments_Amongster-6533-200x300mongster-6533Firstly, four TV camera’s were present with a director who created a live cut. The separate camera feeds have also been stored, in order to enable users to switch to another camera view in a future app.

iMinds experimented with a novel camera setup: fifteen cameras were installed on five strategic positions to film the concert at high resolution. This included a 360° camera at the middle of the stage. All together, the camera’s produced 32.4 million pixels, 25 times a second.

JOANNEUM RESEARCH created a native app with which they are able to record video as well as sensor data. They handed some devices to the audience, which made videos during the concert.

Bitmovin brought a Google Glass, with which they tested live wireless streaming to a base station during the concert.

VRT Research & Innovation tested (a little teaser of) the Wall of Moments, in which the audience played a big part. They were given the task to make as much short videos (Moments) as possible with their own smartphone or tablet. They were able to directly upload these videos files over a private WiFi network with a small web app. Two big screens were installed alongside the stage, which showed a (nearly) live feed of incoming Moments in a two-by-two matrix (a slimmed down version of the Wall of Moments). In total, we received 736 Moments, accounting for 4 hours of video material.

The next step is to incorporate the gathered material in our first demonstrators.

Watch the Marconi Moments aftermovie!
