The startup company surgie is focussing on documenting surgeries in an innovative way. We are happy to announce that surgie is using the video capture system developed in ICoSOLE, applying an integrated 360 x 180 degrees camera rig.
The camera system for surgie is provideded by AZilPix, a company founded by Philippe Bekaert (iMinds) together with four broadcast technology veterans.

From surgie’s website:
All the cameras are installed and wired in advance on positions that are dependent of the type of surgery. This is innovative per se, reducing costs and contamination risks dramatically since a single person performs the capturing without needing access to the operation room. The moderating surgeon can perform the live cutting (pan, tilt,zoom, switch between cameras) himself without the help of a director.
It is also safer for the patient, because the surgeon focuses on the operation and not on instructing cameramen filming the procedure. In contrast to traditional live video streaming, it allows dramatically better control of timing and content.
This way of working allows to stream a surgery that was recorded in advance, for educational and research purposes. Surgie’s distant learning platform allows full freedom to re-view an operation post factum from any angle with full control over timing.
The AZilPix Studio.One system will be used live at the upcoming iMinds conference (April 28th in Brussels) feeding the video screens in the lecture hall as well as the web videostream.