Looking for Dranouter Test Reporters!

Do you like movies on your smartphone and sharing them with your friends?

Do you want to do that at the Dranouter Festival on the weekend 7-9 August?

Do you have a state-of-the-art smartphone with Android 4.4 or higher?

Then you may become an ICoSOLE test reporter!

The Dranouter Moments App provides a total experience of the festival, as seen through the eyes of selected visitors. They capture short clips of their experiences – moments a professional camera might not see. A web platform combines these clips with professional content of the performances, together forming a unique mobile festival experience.

Wall of Moments

To test the Dranouter Moments ICoSOLE project has 40 free tickets available for reporters with smartphones who want to capture their festival experience. These one-minute clips show moments professional cameras might miss, the atmosphere in the audience, a party at the camp, a special moment…

Using the app test reporters can send their clips live to a web platform, where an automatic screening on content and quality occurs. Friends of the test reporters can log on to a secure site from home or on the road, and use the Dranouter Moments app there. They experience the Dranouter Festival as if they were there in person.


VRT is now looking for test reporters for ICoSOLE‘s first major demonstration at the Dranouter festival in Belgium. If you are interested in becoming a test reporter using the ICoSOLE Dranouter Moments app you can apply now at WallOfMoments.be!
